
Sustainability is strategic at Empresas CMPC. This approach and way of performing is based on three fundamental pillars: commitment and contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda; material issues, related to the positive and negative impact of our operations and throughout our entire value chain; and the risks to which we are exposed, our neighboring communities and areas of direct and indirect influence.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. In this direction - publicly - we have committed to four specific sustainable development goals, which will guide all our actions until 2030, taken for each of them in 2018 as a baseline:


50% greenhouse gas emissions (direct and indirect) as of 2030.


We will decrease industrial water use per ton of product by 25% by the year 2025, including all our mills distributed in 8 countries of Latin America.

12.4 - 12.5

We will be a zero-waste at final disposal company - sanitary landfills - by the year 2025, through the reduction in the generation of waste, its valorisation as a byproduct, and the strengthening of circular models.

13.1 - 13.3 & 15.1

We will add 100 thousand hectares of conservation, restoration and/or protection by the year 2030, to the more than 325 thousand hectares that the company already conserves, restores and protects in Chile, Argentina and Brazil.


Powered by green energy:

80% of energy consumption comes from renewable energy generated from biomass.

Trusted by investors demanding the highest standards:

CMPC has issued 3 green bonds. As a result, CMPC received the Green Bond Pioneer Award and was included in the New Countries Taking Green Bonds Global Category.

Leading in the forestry sector:

Since 2018, CMPC has been a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, collaborating in the construction and presenting the Roadmap for compliance with the SDGs of the Forest Sector, which provides 8 opportunities for impact for our industry

Recognition of CMPC’s sustainability management:

Another year among the most sustainable companies in the world

We are proud to be ranked as the second most sustainable forestry and Paper Company in the world and for the seventh consecutive year to be part of the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Index

In addition, we are once again leaders in the DJSI Chile, MILA Pacific Alliance and Emerging Markets categories.

Sustainable Growth Recognition

Awarded as the best pulp and paper company in Brazil in August 2020, CMPC received this award - granted by the Brazilian newspaper Valor Economico - which annually recognizes the companies with the best results according to eight economic and financial criteria, such as: sustainable growth, profits and Ebitda. The award was attended by the Brazilian Minister of the Economy, Paulo Guedes, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, and executives from various companies.

Forest certifications

The sustainable management of forest crops is one of the main pillars of CMPC, and we are committed to sustainable profitability, which we understand as the harmony between the benefits for society, the economy and the environment.

CMPC has the PEFCTM and FSC® forest management certification: Forestal Mininco SpA (FSC-C006246) and CMPC Pulp SpA Certification Group (FSC-C140582), which recognize the responsible forest management for the forest heritage, thus protecting the industrial use obtained exclusively from certified and controlled plantations.

FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®)

It is an international, non-profit organization that seeks to promote responsible management of the world's forests through a mechanism called chain of custody, which ensures that the products that CMPC markets come from forests that have been responsibly managed.

CMPC Pulp products are traceable from their origin to their final destination as they are certified under the FSC Chain of Custody standard. This certification assesses all the stages up to the final product, including processing, transformation, manufacturing and distribution activities.


Chilean forest management certification system that seeks to promote the sustainable management of forests and their derived products. CERTFOR, of public-private origin, is recognized by the international non-profit system PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification), validating national sustainability requirements with international criteria for timber trade, production and responsible consumption.

CMPC Pulp has CERTFOR-PEFC Chain of Custody certification, guaranteeing sustainable origin and traceability with due diligence from the forest until delivers to the customer, accomplishing with environmental and social responsibility requirements.

Sustainability CMPC

To learn more about CMPC's Sustainability statement, focus and performance, we invite you to visit the corporate section:

Integrated Report

We present our latest Integrated Report that contains all the information on how the governance, strategy and performance of the company lead to the creation of value in the short, medium and long term.
The report has been made taking into consideration the indicators proposed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), as well as the guiding principles framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).
This report also serves as Progress Communication (CoP) for the United Nations Global Compact.

environmental agreements

chilean network of the un global compact

initiative involving more than 10.000 companies worldwide.

cmpc is part of the chilean network of the un global compact undertaking a serious commitment to integrate the concept of sustainability into its corporate strategy through the implementation of 10 principles, which focus on four areas: human rights, labour relations, the environment and anti-corruption.

clg (the corporate leaders group for climate change)

is an organization that promotes the development of policies to combat the effects of climate change, and maintain a business-friendly environment, thereby enhancing the business leadership role needed to move toward sustainable development for chile.

wbcsd (world businesses council for sustainable development)

is a global association of over 200 companies working together to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world. fsg forest solution group global platform for the forest sector value chain that seeks to develop and share commercial solutions to lead sustainable development.

cmpc is a member of the fsg and adheres to a set of principles that allow it to demonstrate leadership and progress in sustainability.

choose sustainable forest products
acción empresas chile

organization that groups more than 130 chilean companies determined to manage their businesses under the logic of business sustainability as a business vision necessary for the construction of a more inclusive and equal society.

apl (clean production agreement)

chile's environmental instrument, consisting of a voluntary agreement between a business association, representative of a productive sector, and public entities competent in environmental, health, occupational health and safety, energy and water efficiency, and productive promotion. the main goal is to improve the productive and environmental conditions.

on october 22, 2012, the un internationally validated the apl as the first nationally appropriated mitigation action. (nama)
