S&P recognizes CMPC as a global sustainability leader in the forestry... Sustainability 14 Apr 2022 S&P recognizes CMPC as a global sustainability leader in the forestry... S&P has confirmed that the CMPC company remains a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series following the December 2021 index review.
CMPC ranks as the second most sustainable forestry company in the world Sustainability 19 Nov 2021 CMPC ranks as the second most sustainable forestry company in the world We are proud to be ranked as the second most sustainable forestry and Paper Company in the world and for the seventh consecucutive year to be part of the prestigious international Dow Jonaes Sustainability index 0
CMPC joining a global initiative against climate change Sustainability 15 Nov 2021 CMPC joining a global initiative against climate change Increases in heat wave frequencies, concurrent global droughts, even more frequent forest fires, more intense torrential rains and floods, reductions in Arctic Sea ice and rising sea levels, along with their acidification and loss of oxygen through warming are just some of the expected impacts if the Earth warms by more than 1.5 ° C. The Business Ambition for 1.5 ° C campaign was created to limit the negative impacts of climate change on people. 0
Circular Economy at CMPC: Recycling at the Heart of Production Sustainability 2 Nov 2021 Circular Economy at CMPC: Recycling at the Heart of Production The circular economy offers a model that works to conserve the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as detailed by the UN on their... 0
The cardboard container that aims to eliminate plastic from delivery Innovation 2 Nov 2021 The cardboard container that aims to eliminate plastic from delivery In keeping with our commitment to produce sustainable, recyclable and compostable products, CMPC through Boxboard has developed a cardboard... 0